Adventure Information
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Adventure 1: Meetings Date: 08/11/02
Misfits from different worlds meet each other and fight; the perfect first adventure.
PCs: Cross (Neobolts), Syriel (Jacob!), Vostok (Fallout), Zhangar (Epametheus), Zoe (Zagnor)
NPCs: Unbral the Magnificant, Rugar
Setting: Frostguard (World 1), Day 1
XP Awarded: 310 (330 for Syriel and Zoe) (lv 1)
Major Treasure: None
Quotes: "I didn't know elves came in that color"-Zhangar "What's an elf?"-Vostok
Lesson of the day: Killing people is bad.
Additional Info: Syriel was turned into a cow for a week.
Adventure 2: Mysterious Cult A Date: 08/18/02
A mysterious cult from Vostok's world chases him to this one after he witnesses a massacre.
PCs: Cross (Neobolts), Vostok (Fallout), Zhangar (Epametheus), Zoe (Zagnor)
NPCs: Evil cult warriors
Setting: Frostguard (World 1), Day 2
XP Awarded: 515 (lv 1)
Major Treasure: None
Quotes: "Those are the guys that attacked me!"-Vostok "Yes I know!"-Cross
Lesson of the day: Sometimes, when you get turned inside out, you actually die.
Additional Info: The town of Frostguard was destroyed.
Adventure 3: The town with funny hats Date: 08/25/02
The party passes through a town where everyone acts like a zombie, wears funny hats and has leeches on their necks.
DM: Zagnor
PCs: Syriel (Jacob!), Valeria (Dr. GOD), Vostok (Fallout), Zhangar (Epametheus)
NPCs: some orcs, a bugbear, an ungrateful town and an evil telepath
Setting: Random ferry town (World 1), Day 8-9
XP Awarded: 350 (lv 1)
Major Treasure: 3 dozen dumb looking hats and half plate armor for half price.
Lesson of the day: Killing people is okay as long as they are ugly.
Additional Info: Valeria joined the party for the first time.
Adventure 4: Mysterious Cult B Date: 09/01/02
An evil god formerly only found on world 2 has begun recruiting followers on world one.
DM: Epametheus
PCs: Cross (Neobolts), Syriel (Jacob!), Valeria (DR. GOD), Vostok (Fallout), Zoe (Zagnor)
NPCs: Zeltin, evil cultist
Setting: Random farming town (World 1), Day 14-15
XP Awarded: 760 (lv 2)
Major Treasure: none.
Lesson of the day: Don't eat demonic fruit.
Quotes: "I want to buy some fruit *whirls around to face the croud and assumes fighting stance* WHO WANTS SOME!?"-Cross
"You find things you wouldn't expect to find in a farmer's house"-DM "Like rats with human faces?!"-Neobolts
"Who likes balloons?! Look a puppy!"-Quanthosk'alys the Party Clown
Adventure 5: Frustration Mountain Date: 09/08/02
The promise of great treasure lures the party into a dungeon full of frustrating traps and dire badgers.
DM: Neobolts a.k.a. OSHA Inspector
PCs: Valeria (DR. GOD a.k.a. Quality Control), Vostok (Fallout a.k.a. Frige Carrier), Zhangar (Epametheus), Zoe (Zagnor a.k.a. Manager)
NPCs: The ghost wizard who only Vostok could see and 50 dire badgers
Setting: Frustration Mountain (World 1), Day 21
XP Awarded: 600 (lv 2)
Major Treasure: 1000 gold worth of pepper.
Lesson of the day: Always ask what the treasure is before entering a dungeon.
Quotes: "Will you guys help me move my frige"-Kelsey "Sure we will!"-Group
"I press the button."-Epametheus "A bucket falls on you."-DM
Additional Info: Vostok, Zhangar and Cross have been cursed. They have an aversion to stepping on the color red. We got free food for having Alex carry a refrigerator.
Adventure 6: Fun in the Sewers Date: 09/22/02
Wererats who where getting incorrect visions have been kidnapping people and eating them so the party killed them.
PCs: Cross (Neobolts), Vostok (Fallout), Zhangar (Epametheus), Zoe (Zagnor)
NPCs: Dormak the Dwarf
Setting: Ilquva Castle (World 1), Day 26
XP Awarded: 650 +200 for the 15th(lv 3)
Lesson of the day: Balancing on a carpet of rats is hard in plate mail.
Additional Info: Vostok and Cross' curses have been removed
Adventure 7: Bandit Ghouls? Date: 09/29/02
Bandits have been raiding a town's graveyard to make ghouls (note: the person writing this was not at the game).
DM: Epametheus
PCs: Cross (Neobolts), Syriel (Jacob!), Valeria (Dr. GOD), Vostok (Fallout)
NPCs: Icky undead
Setting: Some town (World 1), Day 58
XP Awarded: 1125 (lv 3)
Lesson of the day: The cleric is never there when there are undead in the adventure.
Adventure 8: Love and Kidnapping Date: 10/06/02
Valeria's betrothed, Romeo, shows up to take her home, arriving just in time to save her from kidnappers. Unfortunately for him, she runs away again.
DM: Neobolts
PCs: Syriel (Jacob!), Valeria (Dr. GOD), Vostok (Fallout), Zhangar (Epametheus), Zoe (Zagnor)
NPCs: Romeo Silverleaf, Elven Paladin
Setting: Castle Ilquva (World 1), Day 60
XP Awarded: 1100 (lv 3)
Lesson of the day: It's ok to rough up the prisoners a little if you heal them afterwards.
Quotes: "Wake me up!"-Vostok   "No, I'm doing something more important!"-Zhangar
"We're going to be married.   "-Valeria "Then why are you hitting on her?"-Syriel   "She doesn't hit me!"-Zoe
"I'm not gay, just my fiancee."-Romeo
Adventure 9: Girl Chasing Date: 10/13/02
The girls leave town and are pursued by the guys. Fortunately, Romeo once again shows up just in time to save Valeria when a patrol from the army of evil tries to take the party prisoner.
DM: Zagnor
PCs: Cross (Neobolts), Syriel (Jacob!), Valeria (Dr. GOD), Vostok (Fallout), Zhangar (Epametheus),
NPCs: Romeo Silverleaf, Elven Paladin; Peppe the War Mule
Setting: Outside Castle Ilquva (World 1), Day 61
XP Awarded: 900 (Lumped with Adv 9.1) (lv 3)
Lesson of the day: You can't escape true love, especially if it has a horse.
Quotes: "These mice are chewy"-Cross' wolverine eating a familiar
"That's insubordination!"-Enemy Captain   "Fine, die!"-Zhangar
"Hold me Cross, hold me"-Syriel
Adventure 9.1: Girl Chasing 2 Date: 10/13/02
The party is hired to wrestle lactating wolverines in order to turn Zhangar into a crazed were-wolverine.
PCs: Cross (Neobolts), Syriel (Jacob!), Vostok (Fallout), Zhangar (Epametheus), Zoe (Zagnor)
NPCs: Zurongo Wizbang
Setting: Wolverine breeding grounds (World 1), Day 67-9
XP Awarded: 900 (Lumped with Adv 9.10 (lv 3)
Lesson of the day: Why fight a wolverine when you can fight a grizzly bear?
Adventure 10: The Holy Symbol Makeup Case Date: 10/20/02
The party is hired to retreive a cleric's holy symbol makeup case but soon discovers that they've been lured into a clever trap to steal Zhangar's mech.
PCs: Cross (Neobolts), Syriel (Jacob!), Vostok (Fallout), Zhangar (Epametheus), Zoe (Zagnor)
NPCs: Farmer Jack, Trena (not) Cleric of Fendra, Zorkaag the Orc, Dawson the Bard
Setting: Farmer Jack's Farm (World 1), Day 76
XP Awarded: 1200 (lv 4)
Lesson of the day: Don't have the orc hold the hostage; he'll find a way to mess up.
Quotes: "SMASH, GIANT ROBO!"-Daisaku
Adventure 11: Gang War Date: 10/27/02
Valeria is producing a play at a local tavern when her girlfriend shows up and a gang war breaks out.
DM: Neobolts
PCs: Syriel (Jacob!), Valeria (Dr. GOD), Vostok (Fallout), Zhangar (Epametheus), Zoe (Zagnor)
NPCs: Vanessa Kondroyten (Valeria's girlfriend)
Setting: Ilquva Castle (World 1), Day 78
XP Awarded: 1200 (lv 4)
Lesson of the day: If you can't be with the one you love, drink.
Quotes: "There is no asbestos in DND!!"-Neobolts
Adventure 12: Wizard Killings Date: 11/03/02
The party is asked to investigate the disappearance of wizards coming to town for the magic festival.
DM: Zagnor
PCs: Cross (Neobolts), Syriel (Jacob!), Valeria (Dr. GOD), Vostok (Fallout), Zhangar (Epametheus)
NPCs: Liligrad the Farmer
Setting: Ilquva Castle (World 1), Day 203
XP Awarded: 1332 (lv 4)
Lesson of the day: Violence isn't the only way to get information out of prisoners.
Adventure 13: Food Fight Date: 11/10/02
The party shuts down a high society restaurant for health violations.
DM: Zagnor
PCs: Cross (Neobolts), Valeria (Dr. GOD), Vostok (Fallout), Zhangar (Epametheus)
NPCs: Madam Francine Isabella Ozward
Setting: Ilquva Castle (World 1), Day 205
XP Awarded: 1500 (lv 5)
Quotes: "I haven't taken advantage of you sexually... yet."-Neobolts
"Let's just steal the gem!"-Cross "I am stealing it!"-Zhangar
Lesson of the day: Violence isn't the only way to get information out of prisoners.
Additional Info: Neobolts has not taken advantage of Dr.GOD, Fallout, Epametheus or Zagnor sexually yet.
Adventure 14: PLOT!!!! Date: 11/17/02
A powerful gem is stolen by idiots who cause a second Frostguard in Ilquva.
PCs: Cross (Neobolts), Syriel (Jacob!), Vostok (Fallout), Zhangar (Epametheus), Zoe (Zagnor)
NPCs: Gilbert the archeologist, lots of other people.
Setting: Ilquva Castle (World 1), Day 210
XP Awarded: 1550 (lv 5)
Quotes: "B like Bus!"-Halfling "What's a bus?"-Neobolts "Umm... like you bus tables. Ha, got my a-- out of that one!"-Halfling
"The Sorcerers beat the Wizards in waterpollo!!"-Zagnor *Blank Stare*-Dr.GOD
"I need your weapons for the defense of the city!"-Vostok "Hell no!"-Shop Keeper
Lesson of the day: Violence isn't the only way to get information out of prisoners.
Additional Info: Neobolts has not taken advantage of Dr.GOD, Epametheus or Zagnor sexually yet.
Adventure 15: The Warring Clans Date: 11/24/02
The party travels to the Da'k'liss home but finds it at war with its neighbors. Zhangar, Vostok, Syriel, and of course Cross join the raiding party and attack another clan's home. They get three times their quota of kills!
PCs: Cross (Neobolts), Syriel (Jacob!), Vostok (Fallout), Zhangar (Epametheus)
NPCs: Elders of the Da'k'liss clan
Setting: Northen Desert (World 2), Day 214
XP Awarded: 1500 (lv 5)
Adventure 16: Betrayed from Within! Date: 12/01/02
Zoe remains ill and in Valeria's care in the Da'k'liss cave. The rest of the party defeat warriors from a rival clan and discovers dopplegangers in their midst. Cross and Zhangar decide to return to the Da'k'liss clan's cave to inform the elders, leaving Syriel and Vostok to continue with the raid. Due to the betayal of their support wizard, the raiding party is soundly defeated. Thinking Vostok dead, Syriel flees for her life. Vostok is captured by the opposing clan and makes an unexpected deal with world shattering consequences...
PCs: Cross (Neobolts), Syriel (Jacob!), Vostok (Fallout), Zhangar (Epametheus)
NPCs: Da'k'liss clan elders, Dopplegangers.
Setting: Northen Desert (World 2), Day 218
XP Awarded: 1250 (lv 5)
Additional Info: No one fully fathoms the terrible price that must be paid due to Vostok's actions! Bwa ha ha!
Adventure 17: Death of the Dragon! Date: 12/08/02
Vostok rejoins the party and fails to assassinate the clan elders. The Minute Plumbers set off to scout out the dragon's lair, only to be attacked and find themselves in a fierce battle with the beast. Zhangar, in his infinate wisdom, begins his career in innane grapple attempts, buying the party time to beat the dragon nearly to death. The dragon manages to flee, but they again confront it, sort of, in its treasure room and finish it once and for all.
PCs: Cross (Neobolts), Syriel (DM), Vostok (Fallout), Zhangar (Epametheus), Zoe (DM)
NPCs: Da'k'liss clan elders, Dragon.
Setting: Northen Desert (World 2), Day 225
XP Awarded: 2250 (lv 6)
Lesson of the Day:Placing too much value on material wealth can easily be your undoing if it is dropped on your head from 50 feet above.
Additional Info:Vostok ate a fallen S'laska warrior. Yum!
Zhangar's New Grapple Victim: Juvenile Blue Dragon
Adventure 18: The Tower that we bypassed but returned to because it was the entire adventure Date: 12/29/02
The party explores a big tower that is dehydrating the nearby landscape. A path from the tower to a mountain cave leads the party to group of experience are excavating some weird vortex using the collected water. The party defeats the gnolls and loots the lair, taking even the gem capable of draining water from a 4 mile area.
DM: Zagnor
PCs: Syriel (Jacob!), Valeria (Dr. GOD), Vostok (Fallout), Zhangar (Epametheus)
NPCs: Gnolls
Setting: Southern part of the Northen Desert, and a tower (World 2), Day 267
XP Awarded: 1800 (lv 6)
Quotes: "I wouldn't want to sell a gem that can drain all water from an area to anyone who would want to buy it"-Zhangar
Adventure 19: Monster Fest! Date: 01/04/03
Our fearless Minute Plumbers are plunged into yet another messy situation. The streets of Bandaria are clogged with orc and ogre conquerers, leaving little room for the legitimate flow of business conducted by citizens and travelers alike. The party finds and defeats the bandit leader (a Mindflayer), destroys a large number of the invading bandits, helps repel a hill giant attack on the town, and finally defeats an eight-headed pyrohydra.
PCs: Vostok (Fallout), Zhangar (Epametheus), Zoe (Zagnor)
NPCs: Malvorn, Mindflayer Leader.   Garnfok, Orc wizard.   Flammie!, poor Pyrohydra who didn't even know what hit him.
Setting: Town of Bandaria, in the southern part of the northen desert (World 2), Day 288
XP Awarded: 1900 (lv 6)
Zhangar's New Grapple Victims: Hill Giant, Pyrohydra
Adventure 20: We'll Protect the Caravan! Date: 01/18/03
After their brilliant victory, the overconfident party is hired to protect a caravan and is horribly defeated by a legion of undead. Thrity-nine people were killed. We'd like to have a moment of silence to remember those who died... then we'll go sort through our loot.
DM: Epametheus
PCs: Syriel (Jacob!), Valeria (DR. GOD), Vostok (Fallout), Zoe (Zagnor)
NPCs: Thirty-nine people lost their lives while under the protection of the party...
Setting: Traveling south, Day 300
XP Awarded: 2400 (lv 6)
Quotes: "I'm doing mental math!"-Epametheus "With a calculator?" -Zagnor
"I'm sorry I hit you"-Valeria "You're... forgiven?..." -Syriel