- Point Buy from DMG is used.
- Players receive 25 points to build a character.
- After all points are assigned, the player may raise one stat of choice by +4 and another stat of choice by +2. The final initial stats may not exceed 18 + or - racial modifiers.
- Races with ECL +1 are treated as ECL +0.
- All characers begin play with 500 gold pieces.
- Characters in a session receive however much XP the DM dictates.
- Characters who miss a session receive (250 x Average Party Level) XP.
- When a player DMs, his character gains (333 x Average Party Level) XP.
Level Up
- Characters roll on the high side of the HD for HP.
- Adding a new class must be somehow explained in character. If you intend to multiclass, announce it a level or so beforehand.
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